Thursday, October 25, 2012


SOCIAL MEDIA: THE ONLY WAY TO REACH THE UNDER FORTYS - At the Fall Governing Board Stf/C Glen Sherman gave a very concise and informative presentation regarding social media. In the next few editions of Keeping Up, Glen will be offering a review of the ideas he presented in Detroit. These will include brief descriptions of: Myspace, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, LinkedIn, Blogger, Foursquare, and
Pinterest. As Glen reported, “If you want hands on knowledge of any of these items, sit down with any ten year old Stf/C Glen Sherman‐ Social Media sites are great tools if used correctly and are mobile device friendly. Younger folks are always “CONNECTED”, so why aren’t we where they connect.

For more on this subject go to

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


How Pinging Works

Many people are confused about what exactly pinging is in regards to weblogging.
I'll try to explain what's going on here.First, go check out a few weblog tracking places where you can see recently updated lists: - - Blogrolling
The main way these sites learn that a weblog has been updated,
is for the weblog software to 'ping' the weblog trackers.
Here's how it works:

After careful thought, you post something new on your weblog.
The new stuff is excellent, but nobody knows you've updated your site.